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Upgrade Your Pizza Party With This AI-Powered Grill That Smokes Your Pizza to Perfection

Vera is the AI assistant from Brisk It that makes cooking anything on the pellet smoker easy, even frozen pizza.

Chris Wedel Home Tech Editor
Chris Wedel is a fan of all things tech and gadgets. Living in rural Kansas with his wife and two young boys makes finding ways to stay online tricky — not to mention making my homestead smarter. However, by utilizing his years of experience in the tech and mobile communications industries, success is assured. When not conquering the outdoors and testing new gadgets, Chris enjoys cruising a gravel road in his UTV with some good tunes, camping, and hanging out with his family.
Expertise Smart home devices, outdoors gadgets, smartphones, wearables, kid's tech, and some dabbling in 3D printing Credentials
  • Covered the mobile and smart home tech space for the past five years for multiple large publications.
Chris Wedel
3 min read
Cooked frozen pizza sitting on the pellet grills shelf.

Pellet grills can cook a frozen pizza perfectly and add some smokey flavor to elevate even the most basic store-bought pie.

Chris Wedel/CNET

Frozen pizza is rarely a food packed with the depth of flavor you can get from a fresh pizza that's been perfectly cooked, preferably wood-fired. However, sometimes, that's not in the cards due to time or budget constraints. What if an AI-enabled pellet grill could change that?

I'm in the process of moving, and because of that, each night is filled with packing and hauling belongings to my home. In trying to find quick meals that are a bit more than a basic sandwich, a frozen pizza is sometimes the best option for a busy family. In a stroke of brilliance or delayed realization, I decided to fire up my pellet grill and see what Vera could do.

Wood-smoked pizza for the win


Brisk It's AI-powered pellet grill is great for tossing a quick burger or steak, but Vera, the AI assistant, can help cook anything.

Chris Wedel/CNET
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For this cook, I used one of the best pellet grills on the market today, the Brisk It Origin 580. On the surface, there isn't much that stands out when looking at the grill. It has good build quality, a serviceable 580 square inches of cooking area, and a digital control panel along with a 22-pound pellet hopper. What is different about this grill is the software.

That's right, I said software is what makes this grill stand out. Now, can you use the Brisk It Origin 580 to cook without any of the fancy software? It does a fantastic job. I thought instead of trial-and-erroring to get the right temp and cook time to get my frozen pizza perfectly melty, I'd let the Vera AI system help out.

Screenshot of Vera AI in the Brisk It app with direction on how to cook a frozen pizza

Brisk It offers an AI assistant named Vera to help you cook nearly any meal you want on the pellet grill.

Chris Wedel/CNET

The idea behind Vera is to have a resource that knows the Brisk It Origin 580 inside and out to help get recipes and instructions on how to cook different meals on the pellet grill. When I asked Vera AI to help me cook a grilled frozen pizza, as you can see in the screenshot above, I got a simple set of directions to get the pizza baking. 

I followed all of the instructions except for using a pizza stone because I didn't have one accessible as I'd already packed it. So, I unwrapped my Marketside Ultimate Meat Pizza from Walmart and placed it directly onto the grate. Just a note that these pizzas don't come frozen, but I had put mine into the freezer after purchase.


I skipped the pizza stone portion of the directions and put the pizza directly onto the grates. The results were delicious.

Chris Wedel/CNET
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I'll never cook pizza in the oven again

The final results produced a perfectly cooked pizza with a crispy crust that was soft and chewy in the middle of the dough. The toppings were wonderfully melty and with some crunch on the edges of the cheese near the crust. Sure, these results could all be achieved via a traditional oven. The added smoky flavor put this pizza well above what that cooking method produced.

I considered putting the pizza on early in the start-up process for the grill, which is much smokier as the grill begins to roll to the set temp. I decided not to for a couple of reasons. One, I wanted to see how it tasted using Vera's direction, and secondly, I wanted more of a hands-off approach as I was very busy. Had I put the pizza on at the beginning, I'd have to remove it partway through once the smoke receded.


Pellet grills can cook a frozen pizza perfectly and add some smoky flavor to elevate even the most basic store-bought pie.

Chris Wedel/CNET

I don't know why it took me so long to realize I could cook a frozen pizza on a pellet grill, but it did, and I'm disappointed in myself. Not only did I love the way the pizza turned out, but more importantly, my family loved it, too. So, the next time you want a quick meal that is a bit more elevated in flavor than a basic sandwich or an oven-baked pizza, fire up your grill.