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Unplug These ‘Energy Vampires’ to Avoid Energy Waste and Save on Utility Bills

Some of your electronics increase utility costs even when not in use. Here's what you need to know to save the energy.

AJ Dellinger Contributor
AJ Dellinger is a contributor to CNET.
AJ Dellinger
4 min read
Computer monitor

Computer equipment uses a lot of energy.

Kieran Stone/Getty Images

There are more ways to save on energy bills than to shift to energy-efficient or ENERGY STAR-rated appliances. Devices like your TV, computer, printer or coffee maker siphon some energy even in standby mode. As long as they're plugged in, they add to your energy bill. However, you can save your resources, but you'll need to put in a little extra effort.

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We call these "energy vampires." You might not know it, but they are a very real strain on your wallet, increasing your home's energy usage and hampering your efforts to save money. The average home sees about 10% electricity of its total general usage go to energy vampires, meaning that it's electricity that simply does not need to be used for appliances. The US Department of Energy estimates this to cost at least $100 to $200 a year, depending on where you're located.

Let's take a look through your home and find those energy vampires so you can unplug them, replace them with newer models that are efficient and save some energy and money. This will help avoid excess energy costs on your monthly utility bill and increase long-term savings on power. And if you're looking for more ways to save money on energy, you can also try methods to save on your heat bills this winter, one of which is to set your thermostat to an ideal temperature. You can also review Energy Assistance Programs that could help you save more.

Computer equipment

Do you have a desktop computer set up in your home? Whether it's for gaming, work or just browsing the internet, your big tower and all its accessories are likely sucking up lots of excess energy, even when they aren't in use. 

According to data from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's Standby Project, operated by the Department of Energy, a desktop computer can cost more than $23 per year to keep plugged in and operating in standby mode. The monitor adds another $1.53 per year on average, and the modem or router contributes nearly $7 per year. 

It doesn't sound like a lot on its own, but it's not hard to see how fast it adds up. Even a basic computer setup could cost more than $30 per year, and that's just a single machine. Your house is full of electronics that are guilty of the same energy-vampire activity.

Televisions and set-top boxes

Another major energy eater is sitting in your living room. Televisions can cost more than $20 per year in excess energy use if they remain plugged in while turned off. LEDs tend to be more energy-efficient than LCDs or plasmas if you're looking to keep your costs down.

Even worse is the set-top box that you use to watch all your favorite shows. Digital cable boxes like the kind your cable company provides are likely to cost you nearly $50 per year if you keep them plugged in at all times. Other set-top boxes like Apple TV tend to be a little more energy-conscious. If you have cable, you'll have a hard time escaping that energy-sucking box.

Speakers and sound systems

Speaking of entertainment, if you have a home stereo system, it's probably consuming a whole lot of energy. Audio systems can eat up nearly $10 per year when they stay plugged in, and audio input devices like CD players or record players can add another $5 or more. Subwoofers and audio receivers tend to suck up lots of energy when they aren't in use, too, so consider unplugging your audio setup when you aren't jamming out.

How to identify common energy vampires in your home

While some devices and appliances are more efficient than others, there are a couple of things to keep an eye out for if you don't want one that'll suck up lots of excess energy.

Any device with an external power supply is likely using more energy than you'd expect, even while turned off. Likewise, devices that use a remote control are often energy vampires because they are always on and waiting for input. Anything that has a continuous display -- the clock on your microwave or a screensaver on your TV or computer, for instance -- is always using energy, too.

Take a look around your home for these devices and decide if they really need to be plugged in at all times. There is a convenience factor at play, but the additional step of plugging and unplugging appliances could save you quite a bit of money over time. Plus, it's good for the planet, and it could use every little bit of help that you can provide. 

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