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5 Surprising Amazon Echo Features You Can Use Right Now

Amazon Echo devices are packed with features, with some you've never considered.

Katie Teague Former Writer II
Katie covered all things how-to at CNET, with a focus on Social Security and notable events. When she's not writing, she enjoys playing in golf scrambles, practicing yoga and spending time on the lake.
Expertise Personal Finance: Social Security and taxes
Chris Wedel Home Tech Editor
Chris Wedel is a fan of all things tech and gadgets. Living in rural Kansas with his wife and two young boys makes finding ways to stay online tricky — not to mention making my homestead smarter. However, by utilizing his years of experience in the tech and mobile communications industries, success is assured. When not conquering the outdoors and testing new gadgets, Chris enjoys cruising a gravel road in his UTV with some good tunes, camping, and hanging out with his family.
Expertise Smart home devices, outdoors gadgets, smartphones, wearables, kid's tech, and some dabbling in 3D printing Credentials
  • Covered the mobile and smart home tech space for the past five years for multiple large publications.
Katie Teague
Chris Wedel
3 min read
Amazon Echo 2020 sitting on a table

You can ask Alexa to order household items for you.

Chris Monroe/CNET

There are so many things that an Amazon Echo device can do, from using simple voice commands to controlling your home devices and making phone calls. But with so many features available, and more coming each year, it can be difficult to keep up with all the options.

For example, did you know you can cast your music from one Echo device to another? You can also quickly send a thank you to your delivery driver and have Alexa be your emergency assistant.

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Don't worry. We have all of that and more to help you get the most from your Amazon Echo device.

1. Alexa Cast to other devices

Amazon Echo 10 (2nd Gen), smart light, and smart plug bathed in a  blue light.

Amazon Echo devices are available in many styles, but all can be great home assistants.

Chris Wedel/CNET
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When you're really into a song that you're listening to on your Amazon Echo but need to go to another area in the house, it can be frustrating to pause the music. Fortunately, if you have multiple Echo devices, you can use the Alexa Cast feature to send that music to another speaker.

Select the song playing at the bottom of the screen from the Amazon Music app on your phone. Next, tap the cast button (the rectangle shape with curved lines like a Wi-Fi symbol in the lower left corner), and select which Echo speaker you'd like to cast to.

You can also do this from the Alexa app. Just tap on the playlist you're listening to and select which device to play it on. For instance, all devices or just one Echo speaker.

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2. Protect your home with Alexa

If you're ever worried about your house when you're out of town, you can turn on Alexa Emergency Assist. This feature replaces Alexa Guard and comes with a subscription cost of $6/month for Prime Members, $8 without, or $59/year with your Prime Membership and $79 without. In addition to your Echo device listening for signs of a break-in, like glass breaking, the feature offers a fast and easy way to contact emergency services.

Chart showing features for available with Alexa Emergency Assist

Amazon's Alexa Emergency Assist helps to bring some peace of mind to your home when you are gone or relaxing.


3. Thank your delivery driver

Amazon Echo Spot

The Amazon Echo Spot is a perfect bedside smart speaker thanks to its small display provides essential information without being a distraction.

Chris Wedel/CNET

Amazon delivery drivers work hard to get shoppers their packages quickly and safely year-round. Often, the job of a delivery driver is a thankless one, with many dropping off orders when nobody is around. Amazon added a feature to Alexa that allows you to offer a token of gratitude for your driver. By saying "Alexa, thank my driver," you can have your Echo device send a thank you to the person that last delivered a package to your home.

4. Shop on Amazon with Alexa

When you're running low on house supplies, like paper towels or toothpaste, you can ask Alexa to order some for you through Prime Now. You'll first have to enable voice purchasing in the Alexa app.

To do so, open the app and go to More > Settings > Account Settings > Voice Purchasing > Purchase Controls and select who can make purchases. When you're ready to buy something, say, for example, "Alexa, I'd like to buy toothpaste." The product will be added to your cart and Alexa will ask you to confirm that you want to buy it now.

You can add a PIN code in the same settings so that only you can make purchases on your Echo speaker.

amazon echo dot with clock on table

Alexa can help you order toothpaste and other house supplies.

Tyler Lizenby/CNET

5. Find your lost phone with Alexa

Losing your phone in the house happens way more often than you'd like to admit. And when you don't have anyone around to call it for you, it can be frustrating trying to track it down on your own. Fortunately, you can use your Amazon Echo to find it. You can ask Alexa to call your phone, but if it's on silent, that won't do much. Another option is to download the Find My Phone skill in the Alexa app.

Want to know more about your Amazon Echo? Check out the four worst places to put your Amazon Echo in your home and how to customize Alexa for a better Amazon Echo experience.